

Natural food supplements: mixtures

Natural food supplements: mixtures


I learned how to prepare these two "mixtures" from my experience with their components; the latter are 100% natural, inexpensive and of significant nutritional value.      

One of these two "mixtures" is intended only for adults, while the other can be consumed - with precautions - at any age; let's see together: 

1.     “My Pollen”: A food supplement for adults; A mixture of date molasses and pollen.


A “combination” in a glass jar, with proteins, fibers, vitamins… recommended:

§  To strengthen the immune system;

§  Against anxiety;

§  As a Fortifier;

§  Against male sexual impotence

The components of the “My Pollen ” preparation are detailed as follows:

§  Date Molasses: 

A concentrated, very dark brown syrup made from dates and water. It has a naturally sweet and tangy taste similar to honey. Date molasses is known in North African and Middle Eastern cuisines, where it is used in baking in place of sugar, or to add sweetness and flavor to dishes.


ü Minimizes cholesterol levels;

ü An excellent remedy for digestive disorders, such as constipation”;

ü Acts against fatigue;

§  Pollen: 

Very good for the body; in fact, pollen strengthens the natural defenses and facilitates the proper functioning of the transit and intestinal flora; also known for its benefits for the skin, nails and hair.  

A food that is not too high in calories, which is a source of carbohydrates, proteins and fibers. It is one of the foods richest in  vitamin B9 .

2.          “Nutrious”: with date molasses, sesame seeds and almonds


A "mixture", also,  in a glass jar, with a strong taste. A combination rich in minerals, lipids, vitamins... recommended for:

§  those who suffer from “anemia” (a lack of iron), or a lack of calcium;

§  for children or adults who do not have a good appetite;

§  for pregnant or breastfeeding women,

§  for those who suffer from "constipation"

The components of the “Nutrious ” preparation   are   detailed as follows:

·     Date Molasses: explained above

·     Sesame seeds : 

The benefits of sesame come from its richness in antioxidants ; in fact, the "Sesamol" in this seed which is also rich in anti-inflammatories, promotes the proper functioning and health of human organs, especially the heart. Not to mention the high content of calcium, in sesame, lipids and vitamins especially B6 .

·     Almonds: 

rich in magnesium, minerals and trace elements, such as zinc, this "  wonder  " helps to keep neurons in full health. Vitamin E, which is present in large quantities in almonds, gives radiance to the skin and hair and allows the proper development of the brain.    

Dosage for these two food supplements:

ü  In the morning: it is advisable to take – of these two preparations – one teaspoon, after one hour of eating (that is to say, one hour after breakfast), and not to swallow anything (apart from water) after this intake for one hour.

ü  In the evening: one teaspoon, one hour after dinner and before going to bed.

Let’s take care of ourselves organically.

Mrs. MAMCHAOUI Djazila married HAMIMED

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