

Positive thinking: the key to success

 Positive thinking: the key to success


I learned that the person who achieves his goals is the one who sees an opportunity in every difficulty, and not the one who sees a difficulty in every opportunity.

We must realize that our thoughts influence our actions, and it is our facts that determine whether we succeed or not and also govern our relationship with others.

Positive thinking does not mean ignoring difficult situations and circumstances in life, but rather it is the ability to control negative thoughts, productively and meaningfully, when a problem, big or small, arises.

Positive thinking:

Positive thinking is a mental activity, which allows a person to have a positive view of circumstances and problems, and to focus directly on the good in difficult situations, and this which helps the person to find solutions, at the instead of getting into a state of frustration or surrendering to reality.

I learned that our brain is divided into two parts: the right and the left. The left brain is called the "survival brain ", and it's the part that focuses - largely - on threat factors, because this "section" contains what are called "internal saboteurs ".

These saboteurs can be defined as dark thoughts that control human thinking, for example, when a person fails an exam, these saboteurs start sending him messages that he is a "loser" and weak.

 On the other hand, we have the right brain, which is responsible for "wisdom, and this is the section towards which a person who thinks positively turns; therefore, we must train ourselves to develop our wisdom to develop our crisis management abilities.

Steps to take to reduce or get rid of negative thoughts:

·                     In any situation, we should think rationally, not emotionally;

·                     When a negative thought crosses our mind, we must immediately stop it and think positively;

·                     We must not be under the illusion of a catastrophe, but always hope that the situation will change for the better;

·                     In case something bad happens after we had a good time, those good times shouldn't be forgotten...

In the end, I learned the powerful quote from Winston Churchill :  “  Act as if it is impossible to fail  "… So let's try to think, always, positively.

Mrs. MAMCHAOUI Djazila marries HAMIMED


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