

Melon crumble: coconut-vanilla flavor

 Melon crumble: coconut-vanilla flavor

I mentioned long ago that I learned the “crumble” recipe from  a Moroccan lady specializing in modern and traditional culinary art.

Melon is a summer vegetable: a low-calorie antioxidant rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A (fundamental for cell growth and development, for vision and for strengthening the immune system) , this food is very nutrient  actively fights against water accumulation. Rich, too, in mineral salts, and particularly in potassium and calcium, melon helps eliminate excess water and thus helps to limit swelling.

Melon is eaten at the start of a meal or as a dessert, but, all the same, moderation is recommended.

I bought melon, but the latter did not have a good taste, so I had the idea of ​​using it as a "very good" and refreshing dessert. The good thing about crumble is that you can use different fruits, especially that nothing is better than a dessert - or any other meal - homemade

For this time, I added coconut and vanilla to my shortbread, and the pleasure of tasting was more accentuated. The recipe for melon crumble - coconut-vanilla flavor - is as follows:


§  Ingredients : for 6 ramekins (or verrines)

·     350g small cubes of melon pulp;

·     3 tablespoons of sugar;

1 tablespoon of grated coconut;

·     ½ teaspoon of vanilla;

·     100g of flour ;

·     100g of sugar;

·     100g of softened butter (or margarine).

§  Preparation:

1.       Preheat oven at 180 °;

2.    In a cup, mix the cubes of melon with 3 tablespoons of sugar;

3.       Put this mixture at the bottom of the verrines (or a baking dish);

4.       In a bowl, put the flour, sugar, vanilla, coconut and soft butter (you can add a pinch of salt)  : mix - using an electric mixer or by hand - the whole to have a homogeneous “shortbread”;

5.       Place in the verrines on the "small pieces" of melon: adjust the surface;

6.   Bake until you see a nice golden color: 25 to 30 minutes, depending on each oven;

7.       Let cool before putting in the refrigerator.  

Serve cold - preferably - with ice cream, fresh juice, tea… and share the fun with your family members, guests or friends. Enjoy your meal.        

Mrs. MAMCHAOUI Djazila marries HAMIMED


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